Nabídka zaměstnání – Kuchařka do školní jídelny 
Přijmeme kuchařku do školní jídelny vyučenou v oboru s možností nástupu dohodou
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Our trip to Prague

 Our class decided to go on a trip to Prague. We chose the bus and reserved our tickets through the internet a week before. We all met on a bus station in Louny. Because we took two buses, we had to split up to our bus stops. As we were on the way, we suddenly stood in a traffic jam. Both buses were late but everything was OK.

We met again at the Hradčanská station in the capital and continued our way to the destination, which was The Parliament of the Czech Republic.

Inside the Parliament we had to undergo an safety inspection and then the took us to the boardroom, where we got to know Mr. Michal Kučera, a member of Parliament from TOP 09. We saw a short film about the Parliament and right after visited some rooms, that are normally closed for the public. Then we could interview Mr. Kučera and our tour here was over.

Most of us were hungry, so we went for lunch at the McDonald’s. Because we had some time left after lunch, we visited the Prague Castle area, where we took some pictures together and spent our last minutes here.

Then we headed back to the bus stop and left for home. We caught an amazing weather so our trip came out perfectly well.

Kristýna Zeybertová EKL1

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Předávání diplomů – jazyková olympiáda

[singlepic id=1654 w=150 h=112 float=left] Školní kolo jazykové olympiády proběhlo 7.ledna 2014. Letos poprvé ve všech vyučovaných jazycích. Soutěž ve španělštině má již dlouholetou tradici. Angličtina a němčina svoji tradici teprve zahájila.

Celkem se zúčastnilo 15 studentů. V  Continue reading